12 Tweetable Crowdfunding Tips

Some crowdfunding quick tips from Docs In Progress Treasurer Kiley Kraskouskas of Thinking Forward Media and Docs In Progress Executive Director Erica Ginsberg.



Launch a crowdfunding campaign when you have time to focus on it.  You need to devote a lot of time and effort to the campaign.


Test your campaign with a few trusted friends before launching. Trust their honest reaction.


Don't bite off more than you can chew financially or timewise with perks.


Be democratic by offering perks at all price levels: $5 to $1,000. Most folks give $25-50, but don't rule out small or big backers.


Match your perks to the themes in your film.


Line up early-in funders to help build momentum. As soon as you get to 10% of campaign goal, you are 5 times more likely to reach goal.


This is not just about fundraising, but about building your audience, so engage as many people as possible.


Update your campaign regularly.  Use a video pitch if possible.


Don't hide behind buzz words. Just be yourself. Ultimately backers are supporting you and want to know you. Authenticity goes a long way.


E-mail. E-mail. E-mail. Best way to reach friends and family is via direct and personal emails.

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Thank backers in a timely manner. Tweet shout-outs. Send a personal e-mail. Go old school with a memorable handwritten thank you note.


Crowdfundraise at different stages of your project.  Be specific about how backers funds will help move the project forward.

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