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Message from Marc Boco --Wheaton High Student
Hi! My name is Marc Boco, I’m a rising Sophomore at Wheaton High School and I participated in Village Reels this year in partnership with Docs In Progress & Villages of Kensingto! My other co-directors and I helped create a short documentary surrounding the life of one woman, who used her past experiences with adoption to create a beautiful life with an emphasis on family, cross-cultural work, and gardening. The whole filming process helped me learn specific filming techniques such as how to edit videos, utilize a camera and how to truly bring a story on paper to life.
Working with Docs has also blossomed into new opportunities and helped me get a position with Montgomery County’s Regional Council, also known as MCR, a county wide Student Government Association that seeks to represent all 26 high schools within Montgomery County.
Due to my insights in video editing and filmmaking attributed to Village Reels and Docs In Progress, I have been recently appointed as Media Deputy in the Communications Department! For this upcoming school year, I will be brainstorming ideas for MCR’s social media as well as publicizing through various graphics, photos and videos. Docs In Progress is truly a great and fun organization to work with and I can’t wait to create more documentaries with them in the following years to come.
Thanks Marc --Docs is looking forward to seeing you too at next year's Village Reels at Wheaton!
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