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Congratulations Decade of Docs Award Winners
On Tuesday, May 20, Docs In Progress celebrated its 10th anniversary at a special event called Decade of Docs. As part of the evening, the organization gave out awards to Docs In Progress alumni and community members.
We will be posting photos from the event on our Flickr and Facebook pages after our staff has a few days to rest after all the preparations for this event, but we wanted to announce the winners of the awards. Congratulations to all!
ARTS IN FOCUS: Given to an alumni film which effectively spotlights an artist or artform.
Through the Eye of the Needle: The Art of Esther Nisenthal Krinitz (Nina Shapiro-Perl)
CAPITAL CITY AWARD: Given to an alumni film which tells the story of the Washington DC beyond the monuments.
The Legend of Cool “Disco” Dan (Joseph Pattisal and Roger Gastman)
DOCS-IN-SERVICE AWARD: A special award to recognize someone who has made a difference to the regional documentary community.
Sky Sitney
EMERGENCE AWARD: Given to a Docs In Progress community member who has grown the most as a filmmaker.
Paul Moon
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTARY AWARD: Given to an alumni film which focuses on a historical event or figure with creativity and insight.
Let the Fire Burn (Jason Osder)
PERSONAL DOCUMENTARY AWARD: Given to an alumni film in which the filmmaker successfully transcends a personal story into a universal one.
Lost Sparrow (Chris Billing)
SHORT DOCUMENTARY AWARD: Given to an alumni film which is 40 minutes or shorter.
The New Woman: Annie ‘Londonderry’ Kopchovsky (Gillian Willman)
SOCIAL IMPACT AWARD: Given to an alumni film which has helped raise awareness, change minds, and open dialogue about important social issues.
Out in the Silence (Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson)
WINDOW TO THE WORLD: Given to an alumni film which provides a new perspective on an international issue.
The Lost Dream (Jehan Harney)
WOMEN IN DOCS: Honoring an alumni film which tells an important story about women.
Breaking Through the Clouds (Heather Taylor)
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