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2019 Fellow
Malikkah Rollins
Malikkah comes to filmmaking as an extension of a career as a clinical social worker and educator. Her clinical social work background lends itself to documentary filmmaking as she is a trained listener and sees people as products of their environments. As an active member of Women in Film and Video, Malikkah has one short documentary under her belt, and is directing and producing a second.
Fellowship Project: Safer in Lusaka opens in gritty, impoverished Washington DC Wards 7/8 where I will paint the everyday lives of three low-income DC teens (and their families) as the kids prepare for a summer 2019 service learning trip to South Africa. The teens' DC lives will be contrasted with the visually vibrant world of southern Africa where they are forced out of their geographic and emotional comfort zones as they volunteer for those less fortunate and grapple with the emotionally fraught re-entry process back to DC.
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